"His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind." (Genesis 37:11)
When Joseph told his father as well as his brothers about his dream that the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him, his father rebuked him and said "What is this dream you had? Nevertheless, Jacob kept the matter in mind, because he had a dream beyond his own understanding before, and he knew that God might be doing greater things in Joseph's life.
In the similar way, in Luke 2:41 - 51, Jesus' mother Mary treasure all these things in her heart, because she knew there will be a greater purpose in Jesus' life.
I agree with that, we need to learn keeping in our heart with some visions that God gives us, because God reveals to us ahead the time, and we need to process in time until our spirits can perceive the visions or dreams. Choose the right persons to share too.